Distribution Industry

Specific solutions for the Distribution Industry

Distribution Industry

In an increasingly complex, integrated and dynamic market, there are a lot of opportunities, as well as risks, at our disposal.

We are currently facing stakeholders who ask for continuous business growth, and consumers who ask for worth and personalisation by the companies; thus, we must be able to redefine our strategies, readjust the supply chain and do an excellent job so as to achieve results and stability.

For the companies of the distribution industry to side with the setting trends, they have to face great challenges with the ultimate aim to improve their management, processes and competitiveness. Those challenges might be the following:

  • Increase product turnover
  • Automate processes
  • Focus the brand towards the customer
  • Optimise the transport/warehouse cost ratio
  • Implement ERP

Many of our customers have very high automation and technological equipment levels and yet it is necessary for that technology to be integrated within its own business management.

In Serenty, we excel at process consulting. Our consultancy, based on more than 25 years of solid experience, our knowledge and resources will lead your company to a process of continuous improvement that will allow you to take a qualitative and quantitative leap for your future.

In Serenty we provide specific solutions to process management in the distribution industry.

What our customers say


Fill in the contact form and we will reach you.

  • info@serenty.es
  • (+34) 900 101 865
  • Paseo de la Castellana 95 – Planta 29, 28046 Madrid
  • Plaza de Cervantes 6 – 3º, 2ª, 13001 Ciudad Real

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